Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
11/14/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen P. Halbrook appears on WGDJ radio’s Melody Burns show
11/14/2013 “Crisis Of Political Authority? I Wish!” Sr. Fellow Robert Higgs in The Albany Tribune and Eurasia Review
11/14/2013 “Sin tax hike could boost black markets” Research Director William Shughart quoted in UT San Diego
11/14/2013 “Inflation, Shortages And Economic Turmoil: Venezuela On The Brink” Sr. Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa cited in International Business Times
11/14/2013 “Health care folly: Here’s one possible spending solution” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless cited in Op-Ed in The Charleston (WV) Gazette
11/14/2013 “Sin Tax Hike Could Boost Black Markets” Research Director William Shughart Quoted in UT San Diego
11/14/2013 Maura McEnaney, author of Willard Garvey: An Epic Life appears on C-SPAN’s Book TV, on Sat., Nov. 10th, 1:45 p.m. ET
11/13/2013 “The Fictionalized Surveillance State” Op-Ed by Anthony Gregory in Eurasia Review
11/13/2013 “Firearms and Suicides in US States” Sr. Fellow Alex Tabarrok in Marginal Revolution
11/13/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich cited on
11/12/2013 “None Dare Call It . . .” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Psychology Today
11/12/2013 “On 50th Anniversary of JFK’s Assassination, Let’s Examine His Legacy” Ivan Eland in The Huffington Post
11/12/2013 “IPCC’s Bogus Evidence for Global Warming” Op-Ed by Research Fellow S. Fred Singer in The American Thinker
11/12/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen P. Halbrook appears on KCOL radio with Host Al Malmberg
11/12/2013 “The Coming Revelation Of The ‘Global Warming’ Fraud Resembles The Obamacare Lie” Research Fellow S. Fred Singer mentioned in Forbes
11/12/2013 “Obama’s Health Reform Will Shred Safety Net” Op-Ed by John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in Forbes
11/12/2013 “Do You Know What Mental Health Parity Is?” Sr. Fellow John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in National Center for Policy Analysis
11/11/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen P. Halbrook appears on WFTL radio’s Joyce Kaufman show
11/11/2013 “The Mother of All Nazi Analogies, Now Available at Amazon” Gun Control in the Third Reich reviewed by The New Republic
11/11/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen P. Halbrook appears on Armed America Radio
11/11/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen Halbrook appears on The Janet Mefferd radio show
11/11/2013 “Is there any solution to ObamaCare chaos?” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless appears on Fox News Channel
11/11/2013 “Feinstein’s Misplaced Anger” Sr. Fellow Ivan Eland in Media With Conscience
11/10/2013 “World Affairs Council Houston presents: Global Crossings: Immigration, Civilization, and America” Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings mentioned on
11/10/2013 Alvaro Vargas Llosa, author of Global Crossings speaks at the Dole Institute
11/9/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich author Stephen P. Halbrook appears on KVOI radio’s Inside Track show with host Emil Franzi
11/9/2013 Maura McEnaney, author of Willard Garvey: An Epic Life, appears on C-SPAN’s Book TV, Saturday, Nov. 9th, 1:45 p.m. ET
11/9/2013 Gun Control in the Third Reich by Research Fellow Stephen Halbrook is reviewed in Save America Foundation
11/8/2013 “Ridiculous Fantasy of the Day: What if the Nazis Had Not Supported Gun Control?” Gun Control in the Third Reich is cited on The Counterfactual History Review
11/8/2013 “What Made the Nazi Holocaust Possible? Gun control” Op-Ed by Stephen Halbrook in The Washington Times
11/8/2013 “Plan Bay Area: ‘Sustainable Communities’ Hurt the Poor” Sr. Fellow Lawrence McQuillan in San Jose Mercury News
11/8/2013 “Should There Be A Special Tax on Paul Krugman?” John C. Goodman, author of Priceless in National Center for Policy Analysis

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