Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
6/9/2011 Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell to be on Fox Business Network’s Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano Thursday, June 9th
6/8/2011 Research Editor Anthony Gregory on Fox Business Network’s Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano Friday, June 10th
6/6/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs cited in Bloomberg column by Amity Shlaes, "What Paul Krugman Misses About 1937 Redux: Echoes"
6/6/2011 What Price War?, by Research Editor Anthony Gregory, recommended at Blog
6/6/2011 Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell on Fox Business' Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano on "Running Out of Solutions"
6/6/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs cited in Bloomberg column by Amity Shlaes, "What Paul Krugman Misses About 1937 Redux: Echoes"
6/6/2011 Art Carden in The Christian Science Monitor on "Sweatshops, tacos, and Wal-Mart: Is there anything to criticize?"
6/4/2011 William Hartung favorably reviews the Independent Institute's What Price War?, by Anthony Gregory, in the Huffington Post
6/4/2011 William Hartung favorably reviews the Independent Institute's What Price War?, by Anthony Gregory, in the Huffington Post
6/2/2011 Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell on Fox Business Network’s Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano Thursday, June 2nd
6/2/2011 Research Editor Anthony Gregory cited in the Huffington Post on Obama's escalation of war
6/2/2011 Research Editor Anthony Gregory cited in the Huffington Post on Obama's escalation of war
6/1/2011 Senior Fellow Benjamin Powell on Fox Business Network's Your World with Neil Cavuto regarding U.S. government spending levels
6/1/2011 Ivan Eland on "Why U.S. Must Leave Iraq" in Consortium News
6/1/2011 Senior Fellow Ivan Eland on “Why U.S. Must Leave Iraq” in Consortium News
5/31/2011 Research Fellow Art Carden cites Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa’s book The Che Guevara Myth in Forbes article “Che Guevara: Communist Icon, Capitalist Commodity”
5/31/2011 Ivan Eland cited in Christian Science Monitor article “Obama calls for 'patience and persistence' in Libya. Congress calls foul”
5/31/2011 Research Fellow Art Carden cites Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa’s book The Che Guevara Myth in Forbes article “Che Guevara: Communist Icon, Capitalist Commodity”
5/29/2011 Ivan Eland cited in Southern Political Report
5/29/2011 Anthony Gregory talks numbers in The Salt Lake Tribune article “What Price War?”
5/27/2011 Art Carden in Forbes asking “What Would Louis XIV Have Paid for a Sonicare?”
5/26/2011 Robert Higgs in The Freeman with article “Economic Analysis and the Great Society”
5/26/2011 Anthony Gregory talks numbers in The Salt Lake Tribune article “What Price War?”
5/26/2011 Alex Tabarrok interview on Freakonomics Radio regarding “The Economics of Bounty Hunting”
5/26/2011 Research Fellow Gabriel Roth cited at RealClearMarkets on his testimony before the Senate Finance Committee
5/25/2011 Gabriel Roth asks the right question regarding transportation costs in the Wall Street Journal article “Where’s the Rail Cost-Benefit Study?”
5/25/2011 Art Carden in Forbes article “Immigrants, Sweatshops, and Standards of Living” discussing the economics of sweatshops
5/25/2011 Research Fellow Art Carden talks current events in Forbes
5/24/2011 Ivan Eland cited in The Chronicle on his contribution in the book “Climate Coup”
5/24/2011 William F. Shughart II in The Washington Times article “Obama’s schizo energy policy”
5/20/2011 ALERT: The Independent Institute’s Benjamin Powell to be on Fox Business’ Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano Monday, May 23rd at 8:00 pm ET, 5:00 pm PT
5/20/2011 Ivan Eland on International PressTV that “US rhetoric at odds with foreign policy”

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