Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
5/19/2011 Robert Higgs cited in Forbes on the myth of the welfare state’s “safety net”
5/18/2011 Ivan Eland in Consortium News on “A History of Demonizing the Enemy”
5/17/2011 Gabriel Roth cited at regarding his debate with former PA Governor Ed Rendell before the Senate Finance Committee re infrastructure funding
5/17/2011 Stephen Halbrook cited in Los Angeles Examiner: “U.S. Supreme Court asks Maryland why 2nd Amendment applies only to one’s home”
5/16/2011 Robert Higgs in on “Garbage In, Garbage Out: Truth, Freedom, and Falsehood in Economic Analysis and Policy Making”
5/16/2011 Robert Higgs interviewed in Prensa Libre on the war on drugs in Latin America
5/16/2011 Robert Higgs in on “Garbage In, Garbage Out: Truth, Freedom, and Falsehood in Economic Analysis and Policy Making”
5/15/2011 Fred Singer in American Thinker on Yet Another EPA Folly: "Regulation Cannot Control Malignant Melanoma"
5/14/2011 Robert Higgs cited at on the growth of Leviathan government
5/14/2011 “Regulation Cannot Control Malignant Melanoma”
5/13/2011 Emily Skarbek is interviewed on Reason TV on the Government Cost Calculator
5/13/2011 Robert Higgs cited in Bloomberg Business Week on the fog of economic uncertainty created by Big Government
5/13/2011 Jonathan Bean is interviewed on Race and Liberty in America on the “John & Kathy Show” at WORD-FM (Pittsburgh, PA)
5/12/2011 Emily Skarbek is interviewed on Reason TV on the Government Cost Calculator
5/11/2011 Alvaro Vargas Llosa’s farewell article in The Washington Post Writer’s Group “Time to pursue economics and bid writing a column goodbye”
5/11/2011 Ivan Eland article � �Unprovoked� Attacks, From 1812 to 9/11�
5/11/2011 Ivan Eland in Consortium News on “Declaring Victory over Osama”
5/10/2011 Alvaro Vargas Llosa cited in Living in Peru article “PPK’s candidacy was unforgivably frivolous”
5/9/2011 Emily Skarbek article in Star-News: “The Federal Deficit: Why you should care”
5/9/2011 Ivan Eland cited in The Gulf Today on the U.S.’s way out of Mideast wars in the aftermath of the killing of Osama bin Laden
5/9/2011 Art Carden in Forbes on "Getting Rich Through Special Privilege"
5/7/2011 Fred Singer cited in Canada Free Press: “Obama Energy Policies Running Out of Gas”
5/6/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs to receive honorary doctorate from Francisco Marroquin University in Guatemala
5/6/2011 Art Carden in Forbes on “Getting Rich Through Special Privilege”
5/6/2011 Senior Fellow Robert Higgs to receive honorary doctorate from Francisco Marroquin University in Guatemala
5/4/2011 Alvaro Vargas Llosa at the Washington Post Writers Group on “Pakistan’s Complicity” in shielding Osama bin Laden
5/3/2011 The New Holy Wars recommended in The American Culture
5/2/2011 Art Carden in Forbes on “What Will Happen Now that Bin Laden is Dead?”
5/1/2011 The New Holy Wars reviewed in The Freeman
4/28/2011 "Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek Round Two" video challenges the impact of Keynesian economic policies regarding the Great Recession
4/27/2011 Ivan Eland: “Don’t Expand the Military’s Antiterrorism Role”
4/27/2011 Alvaro Vargas Llosa: “Cuban-Style ‘Updating’” for the Washington Post Writers’ Group

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless