Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
3/2/2011 Richard Vedder in The Chronicle of Higher Education on "Crime and Punishment in American College Sports"
3/1/2011 The New Holy Wars reviewed in Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture
2/28/2011 Emily Skarbek in The Florida Times-Union on “Federal budget will drain local residents financially”
2/27/2011 Emily Skarbek in the The Birmingham News on “Those numbing budget numbers do have a meaning”
2/26/2011 Emily Skarbek in The Oregonian on “Those numbing numbers mean something”
2/24/2011 Emily Skarbek in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on “Those numbing budget numbers mean something”
2/24/2011 Robert Higgs in Investor's Business Daily on ''Why Boom Is a No-Show: A Lack of Net Investment''
2/22/2011 “What Do Climate Data Really Show? The Berkeley Climate Data Project” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in American Thinker
2/20/2011 The Independent Institute book by Stephen Halbrook That Every Man Be Armed cited by Vin Suprynowicz in Las Vegas Review-Journal
2/20/2011 Robert Higgs's analysis of U.S. defense spending recommended to Tea Party
2/18/2011 Fred Singer on "The Sad State of the State of California" in American Thinker
2/18/2011 “The Sad State of the State of California” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in American Thinker
2/17/2011 Mary Theroux on Thuggery by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
2/10/2011 Alvaro Vargas Llosa on the empire of corruption in Egypt "Who Won, Who Lost in Egypt?"
2/10/2011 Gabriel Roth debated Bill Lind at Mobility Choice Coalition forum on "Buses vs. Rail" to show that government transit funding should end
2/10/2011 The New Holy Wars reviewed in Religion
2/9/2011 Craig Eyermann quoted at OneNewsNow on the folly of federal biofuel subsidies
2/9/2011 Ivan Eland quoted in New American on Donald Rumsfeld receiving CPAC's "Defender of the Constitution Award"
2/9/2011 Richard Vedder's testimony before the Ron Paul-chaired House Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology: "Can Monetary Policy Really Create Jobs?"
2/7/2011 Race and Liberty in America reviewed in FRC Blog
2/4/2011 Article “Peter Thiel: 21st Century Free Radical,” by Romesh Ratnesar cites The Diversity Myth (BusinessWeek, New America Foundation)
2/4/2011 Alvaro Vargas Llosa on how U.S. support for dictatorships in Egypt and elsewhere has produced "Neither Justice Nor Stability"
2/3/2011 Robert Higgs is cited in The Temasek Review on his article, “Fear: The Foundation of Every Government’s Power”
2/3/2011 The New Holy Wars is reviewed at Watchmen on the Wall
2/2/2011 Chuck Peña: “Pentagon Cuts Don’t Cut It” in The Christian Science Monitor
2/1/2011 Robert Higgs Interviewed by the BBC on Austrian School economist F.A. Hayek’s critique of Keynesianism and Big Government interventionism
2/1/2011 William Watkins cited at OneNewsNow on unconstitutionality of Obamacare
1/31/2011 Robert Nelson at PBS on Obama's State of the Union: "Sin, Sacrifice, and the State of the Union"
1/31/2011 The New Holy Wars reviewed in Family Research Council Blog
1/30/2011 Alex Tabarrok's article on bounty hunters favorably cited in Commonweal
1/27/2011 Shughart in Washington Times: Federal regulations are responsible for America’s lagging competitiveness
1/26/2011 Robert Higgs cited in the Suffolk News-Herald that the U.S. Department of Defense's spending has not been audited since 1994: "True accountability"

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