Independent Institute Media Alerts

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Independent Institute Media Alerts

Date Title
1/26/2011 Stan Liebowitz's Independent Policy Report on how federal policies caused the financial crisis, "Anatomy of a Train Wreck," cited in Insurance & Technology
1/26/2011 Race and Liberty in America reviewed in Human Resource Management
1/26/2011 “Sin, Sacrifice, and the State of the Union,” by Robert H. Nelson in Religion & Ethics Newsweekly
1/26/2011 Article “Life After Facebook,” by Brian Caulfield and Nicole Perlroth cites The Diversity Myth (Forbes)
1/25/2011 Robert Higgs in Investor's Business Daily on how federal largesse is prolonging the recession and high unemployment: "Uncertainty Continues to Depress Jobs"
1/24/2011 Robert Higgs cited in article by Amity Shlaes at Bloomberg: "Obama Spending Drive Will Suffocate Job Growth:
1/23/2011 Fred Singer refutes the smear-mongering by climate alarmists: "Secondhand Smoke, Lung Cancer, and the Global Warming Debate"
1/22/2011 Ivan Eland quoted in Iraq's Rudaw on the status of Kurdistan secession
1/19/2011 Ivan Eland in "Russian Arms Control Proposals Worth Considering"
1/19/2011 Alvaro Vargos Llosa in Washington Post Writers Group: "Baby Doc’s Return"
1/18/2011 Emily Skarbek, Director of interviewed by International Press TV: Economist rejects Goolsbee claim
1/18/2011 Richard Vedder interviewed by International Press TV: Economist: Obama has done little to rectify debt crisis
1/15/2011 S. Fred Singer Addressed San Diego Lynceans on Climate Change
1/13/2011 Government's obesity crisis by Emily Skarbek in The Sacramento Be
1/12/2011 "Don’t Expect Iraq to End Like Sudan" by Ivan Eland in
1/12/2011 Bolivia's mayhem: populist patronage and dependency collapse by Alvaro Vargas Llosa in The Deseret News
1/11/2011 Alex Tabarrok in The Wilson Quarterly: "The Bounty Hunter's Pursuit of Justice"
1/11/2011 Robert Higgs in Whiskey and Gunpowder: "Puritanism, Paternalism, and Power"
1/11/2011 Charles Peña in The Daily Caller: "The Lessons of Private Manning and WikiLeaks"
1/10/2011 Government's shrinking returns from inflation: Jeffrey Hummel in FEE's "The Idea Room" on Jan 11 at 2PM EST
1/9/2011 William Shughart in Clarion Ledger: "Congress Should Rein in EPA"
1/7/2011 Fred Singer and David Theroux quoted in The Orange County Register
1/5/2011 Carlos Andres Perez’s Prediction by Alvaro Vargos Llosa in The Washington Post Writers Group
12/29/2010 Fred Singer in The Washington Times: No proof man causes global warming
12/29/2010 Happy Meal Ban? Anthony Gregory gives his insight on Government's role in our eating habits in Business Week
12/28/2010 Ivan Eland: "Extending Nuclear Umbrella Is a Bad Idea"
12/28/2010 Alvaro Vargas Llosa on Latin America, 2011 in The Washington Post
12/28/2010 “No Proof Man Causes Global Warming” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in The Washington Times
12/27/2010 “CARB’s Carbon Capers” Research Fellow Fred Singer, author of Hot Talk, Cold Science Op-Ed in American Thinker
12/27/2010 Controlling Carbs? Research Fellow Fred Singer on ”CARB's Carbon Capers’’ in The American Thinker
12/21/2010 William Watkins in the Christian Science Monitor: "Obamacare, the Constitution, and the original meaning of the Commerce Clause"
12/20/2010 “Oil Spill Hysteria,” by Robert H. Nelson in The Weekly Standard

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