Issue: Economic Policy

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 51 - 60 of 1249 Results.

California’s New Fast-Food Minimum Wage Law Destroys Another 1,250 Jobs
The Inflation Tax
A 10 percent inflation rate imposes a tax of nearly 7 percent on the real wealth of the average family.
What the Presidential Campaign Should Really Be About
America is on a suicidal fiscal and monetary trajectory.
Sanctions Are for Losers
While sanctions fail to change Iran’s policies, they inflict severe hardships on civilians and rally support for the regime.
In the Fog of Forever War, the US No Longer Recognizes Alternatives
Identity Politics Explained
Newsom Believes the Globe Is Getting Hotter Even as California Freezes
Pro-abortion governor heads to the Vatican for a ‘climate resilience’ conference.
Why Are Economists MIA on Today’s Biggest Fiscal Catastrophes?
Getting Monetary Policy Back on Track
A Missed Off-Ramp for U.S. Venezuela Policy
American sanctions keep backfiring, so why do we keep using them?

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